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Diciembre 31, 1998

Unemployment and Job Search Assistance

Unemployment and Job Search Assistance
Unemployment and Job Search Assistance

Have you lost your job? If so, you are not alone. According to a recent report by the U.S. Department of Labor, 8.6 million Americans are currently unemployed.

There are some signs, however, that the economy and job outlook are improving. While US companies cut 1.8 million jobs during the recession in 2001, that trend has been slowly reversing.

Some sectors, like government and services, have shown faster growth. If you are unemployed, or looking for a new job, is highlighting a few of the programs available to assist with your job search.

For more information on recent unemployment figures, read the Department of Labor's Employment Situation Summary.

Dislocated Worker Program (Workforce Investment Act, Title I)

The Dislocated Worker Program (Workforce Investment Act, Title I) aims to assist individuals who have been laid off or terminated, or who are scheduled to be laid off and need transition assistance to find or qualify for a new job. Find more information on the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity program page.

Employment and Training Assistance

Services are available to individuals seeking a job or developing work skills. Services include job search assistance, referral and placement assistance, reemployment services to unemployment insurance claimants, labor market information, and individual skills assessments. If you are 18 or older and authorized to work in the United States, you may also be eligible to receive counseling, help in developing an individual employment plan, training and basic education. Childcare and transportation services may be available to enable an individual to participate in these activities. The array of services available is based upon an assessment of individual needs. Find more information on Youth Education and Training Activities.

One-Stop Career Center Initiative

One-Stop Centers are at the heart of the new workforce investment system emerging under the Workforce Investment Act (WIA). These centers provide an integrated array of high-quality services so that workers and job seekers can find the services they need under one roof in easy-to-reach locations. One-Stop Centers are designed to help jobseekers and workers obtain employment and training services to advance their careers. Find more information on American Job Centers.

Unemployment Insurance

Unemployment insurance benefits provide temporary financial assistance to workers unemployed through no fault of their own who meet eligibility requirements established by state laws. Each state, the District of Columbia, the Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico have unemployment insurance programs. Find more information on Unemployment Insurance.

Additional Resources

To find more information on unemployment and job search assistance, browse the Employment and Career Development category on Take the Benefit Finder questionnaire to find other benefit programs you may be eligible to receive. If you are a veteran, you may also want to read our article Resources for Job-Seeking Veterans.

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