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Octubre 17, 2018

Housing 101 with

Housing 101 with
Housing 101 with

Housing can be hard to come by or unaffordable for some Americans. A Harvard study revealed nearly 40 million Americans cannot afford housing. provides information on many resources that can help eligible individuals and families in need find a home. From apartment vouchers and housing repair loans to down payment assistance, our Partners offer a variety of programs to match your needs. A good place to start your search is by visiting our Housing and Public Utilities category for a comprehensive listing of housing programs.

Looking for rental assistance?

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) provides resources for renting apartments and public housing programs on their Rental Assistance page.

  • You can use their Low Rent Apartment Search tool to search for rental options in your state.
  • The HUD Public Housing Program provides rental housing, from single family houses to high rise apartments, to eligible low-income families.
  • Also, the Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8) administers housing vouchers to low-income families to use toward rent on a housing unit of the family’s choice. The voucher is paid to the landlord, and then the family is responsible for paying the difference between the rent charged by the landlord and the amount subsidized by the program.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) offers the Rural Rental Assistance program to reduce the rent paid by eligible low-income families who live in specific areas.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) also provides housing resources for the homeless population.

Interested in owning a home?

From buying a home to qualifying for a loan, HUD offers a range of homeowner resources. Visit the HUD Homeowner Help page to discover resources such as mortgage assistance and tips to avoid foreclosure.

Searching for housing specific to disabled individuals, veterans or other special cases?

Some housing programs exist for specific communities, and those that may require extra help.

Housing benefits for other eligible communities are also offered through HUD.

  • For law enforcement officers, firefighters, emergency medical technicians and teachers, the Good Neighbor Next Door Program helps you purchase a home in a HUD revitalization area at a 50 percent discount from the list price.
  • If you have been impacted by a disaster, the National Housing Locator System helps you to search for HUD offices and other disaster related resources.
  • For Federally recognized Indian tribes, the Indian Housing Block Grants provides Federal assistance for housing related services such as housing counseling, self-sufficiency services, energy audits and the establishment of resident organizations.
  • The Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) program provides housing assistance for people living with HIV/AIDs as well as other services to assist with daily living.


The resources listed above are just a sample of the many housing benefits on our site. For program specific or application questions, please contact your local HUD approved housing counseling agency. We also suggest you complete our Benefit Finder questionnaire, to discover your eligibility for the benefit programs on our site.