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Octubre 4, 2017

Your Path to Veterans Benefits

Your Path to Veterans Benefits
Your Path to Veterans Benefits

Each year on November 11, we honor America's veterans for their service and sacrifice. As we observe this day and reflect on the patriotism of our veterans, we find it important to highlight the benefits available to veterans through Below are just a few of the most popular government assistance programs for veterans.

Basic Medical Benefits Package for Veterans

The Basic Medical Benefits Package for Veterans includes a comprehensive medical package, offering primary and specialty care, inpatient and outpatient care, and in some cases dental care. Eligible veterans can apply by visiting

Veterans Pension

Veterans Pension is available to assist low-income veterans who served during wartime and meet certain age or non-service-connected disability requirements. For more specific information, refer to the Veterans Pension fact sheet.

Homeless Veterans Assistance Center

The Homeless Veterans Assistance Center helps veterans and their families find safe and affordable housing. Veterans and families requiring assistance finding or keeping safe, affordable housing can access services for homeless Veterans and their families by contacting the VA Homeless Veterans Assistance Center. Services include: opportunities to return to employment, safe housing, health care and mental health services.

Veterans’ Compensation for Service-Connected Disabilities

The Veterans' Compensation for Service-Connected Disabilities program is a monthly tax-free payment to disabled veterans who are eligible to receive compensation. In order to qualify for this benefit program, you must have a service-connected disability resulting from injury or disease that was incurred in or aggravated by your active military service.

Additional Resources for Veterans

The Department of Veteran’s Affairs (VA) also has a robust offering of benefit information located on the Veterans Benefits Administration website. Here, you can find information about how veterans can receive special benefits on decision ready claims, life insurance, home loans, career transitions, and more. You may also want to check out our article 5 Notable Benefits for Military Veterans.

To find more information on benefits for active military personnel and veterans, visit the Military: Active Duty and Veterans category on To learn about other benefits you may be eligible to receive, take the Benefit Finder questionnaire. Thank you to all the veterans, active service members, and others who continue to support our military and military families.

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