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Agosto 12, 2015

Happy Birthday, Social Security!

Happy Birthday, Social Security!
Happy Birthday, Social Security!

In August, the nation celebrates the 85th birthday of Social Security, an economic lifeline for millions of Americans. On August 14, 1935 President Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act into law. The act, a significant milestone in U.S. history, established several key benefit programs that we know today such as unemployment insurance, retirement benefits, and programs for children and the disabled.

All U.S. Social Security Administration (SSA) programs were made possible by the Social Security Act. The Act included provisions for the creation of the Social Security Board, which is today’s SSA. SSA manages countless benefit programs for those in need, and the disabled, sick and retired. To find different Social Security benefits, browse the Social Security and Retirement category on

In honor of Social Security’s 85th birthday, wants to highlight some of the SSA’s most popular programs across the United States. Be sure to check out the following programs:

Social Security Disability Insurance Benefits

Social Security Disability Insurance Benefits are federally funded and administered by the U.S. Social Security Administrations. Social Security Disability Insurance benefits are paid to people who have a disability that lasts more than 12 months or will end in death and who have earned enough Social Security credits. To qualify for this benefit program, you must:

  • Be unable to work because you have a medical condition that is expected to last at least one year or result in death.
  • Not have a partial of short-term disability.
  • Meet SSA’s definition of a disability.
  • Be younger than your full retirement age.

For more information on this benefit program, visit Social Security's Disability Insurance Benefits program page.

Social Security Medicare

The Social Security Medicare Program is federally funded and administered by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMC). Individuals eligible to receive Social Security Medicare must:

  • Be aged 65 and older.
  • Receive Social Security Disability benefits.
  • Or have certain medical ailments or permanent kidney failure (even if under age 65).  

For more information on this benefit program, visit Social Security's Medicare program page.

Social Security Retirement Insurance

Social Security Retirement Insurance Benefits are federally funded and administered by the SSA. To be eligible to receive Social Security Retirement Insurance Benefits, individuals must:

  • Be at least age 62.
  • Earned enough Social Security credits.

For information on program contacts and where to apply, visit Social Security's Retirement Insurance program page.

Supplemental Security Income

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a federally funded program administered by the SSA. SSI provides financial assistance to disabled adults and children who have limited income and assets. To qualify for this program, individuals must:

  • Be at least 65 or blind or disabled.
  • Have limited income and resources.
  • Be a citizen or a national of the U.S. or an alien who meets certain applicable requirements.
  • Reside in one of the 50 states, District of Columbia, or Northern Mariana Islands, except for a child of military parent(s) assigned to a permanent duty outside of the United States or students temporarily abroad.

For information on program contacts and where to apply, visit the Supplemental Security Income program page.

Need additional resources?

These are just a few of the programs SSA offers, all thanks to the historic Social Security Act. Celebrate 85 years of Social Security by visiting and taking the Benefit Finder questionnaire to see what other benefits you may be eligible for. Visit SSA BEST, the official government website for Social Security benefits and take the SSA BEST Questionnaire to determine which other Social Security benefits you may qualify for. For more information on Social Security, be sure to check out our articles Five Things to Know about Social Security and Spotlight on Social Security.


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