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Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Programs

undefined Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Programs?

The Childhood Lead Poisoning Program was created to eliminate lead poisoning amongst children in the United States. The main duty of the program is to:

  1. Create programs and policies to prevent childhood lead poisoning
  2. Provide the public and health-care providers learning tools for childhood lead poisoning
  3. Screen children for elevated blood lead levels, ensure that lead-poisoned infants and children receive medical attention, and develop neighborhood-based efforts to prevent childhood lead poisoning using state and local health department funding to determine the extent of lead poisoning
  4. Support research to determine the effectiveness of prevention efforts at the federal, state, and local levels

Funds may not be used for the following activities: research; reimbursable Medicaid services for Medicaid-eligible children; and medical care and treatment, or for environmental remediation of lead hazards. However, the applicant must provide a plan to ensure that these program activities are carried out and demonstrate their program's appropriate involvement with medical care, treatment and remediation efforts.

The Childhood Lead Poisoning Program was created to eliminate lead poisoning amongst children in the United States. The main duty of the program is to:

  1. Create programs and policies to prevent childhood lead poisoning
  2. Provide the public and health-care providers learning tools for childhood lead poisoning
  3. Screen children for elevated blood lead levels, ensure that lead-poisoned infants and children receive medical attention, and develop neighborhood-based efforts to prevent childhood lead poisoning using state and local health department funding to determine the extent of lead poisoning
  4. Support research to determine the effectiveness of prevention efforts at the federal, state, and local levels

Funds may not be used for the following activities: research; reimbursable Medicaid services for Medicaid-eligible children; and medical care and treatment, or for environmental remediation of lead hazards. However, the applicant must provide a plan to ensure that these program activities are carried out and demonstrate their program's appropriate involvement with medical care, treatment and remediation efforts.

undefined Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Programs?

Applications may be submitted by state health departments, or their bona fide agents, and the local health departments of the following five local jurisdictions that have the highest estimated number of children with elevated blood lead levels: New York, NY; Chicago, IL; Detroit, MI; Los Angeles County, CA, and Philadelphia, PA. Funding preferences will be given to state programs that have significant estimated numbers of children with elevated blood lead levels, and that direct federal funds to localities with high concentrations of children at risk for childhood lead poisoning. State health departments or their bona fide agents include the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, American Samoa, Guam, the Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, the Republic of Palau, and federally recognized Indian tribal governments. Competition is limited to these entities by authorizing legislation.

For more information visit the CDC website.

Or call:
1-800-CDC-INFO (1-800-232-4636)