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Refugee and Entrant Assistance - Voluntary Agencies Matching Grant Program

The Matching Grant program provides an alternate approach to state-administered resettlement assistance. The program's goal is to help refugees (and other appropriate individuals) attain self-sufficiency within four months after arrival without access to public cash assistance. Participating agencies agree to match the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) grant with cash and in-kind contributions.

The Matching Grant program provides an alternate approach to state-administered resettlement assistance. The program's goal is to help refugees (and other appropriate individuals) attain self-sufficiency within four months after arrival without access to public cash assistance. Participating agencies agree to match the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) grant with cash and in-kind contributions.

In order to qualify for this benefit program, you must not be a US citizen, but a refugee who has been granted asylum; one that is Haitian, Cuban or Amerasian; or, one that is a victim of trafficking.

For more detailed eligibility requirements, please visit the Matching Grant Program Guidelines.

For more information please visit the Matching Grant Program page.