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Social Security Spouse's Insurance Benefits

Eligibility Scenario: Married More than 1 Year

undefined Social Security Spouse's Insurance Benefits?

Social Security's Spouse's Insurance Benefits are federally funded and administered by the U.S. Social Security Administration (SSA). These are benefits paid to the spouse of a worker who receives Social Security Retirement or Disability benefits.

Social Security's Spouse's Insurance Benefits are federally funded and administered by the U.S. Social Security Administration (SSA). These are benefits paid to the spouse of a worker who receives Social Security Retirement or Disability benefits.

undefined Social Security Spouse's Insurance Benefits?

To be eligible for Social Security Spouse's benefits, you must:

  • Be married for at least one continuous year to someone who receives Social Security retirement or disability benefits.
  • Be at least 62 years old or caring for a child (under age 16 or disabled) of the retired or disabled worker.
  • Not be getting a higher Social Security retirement benefit based on your own work.

Based on the information you gave, you meet the first two requirements (or will meet them soon). So, you could get Social Security spouse's benefits if you do not get a higher benefit on your own work record.

PLEASE NOTE: If you get (or will get) a pension based on work for an employer who did not withhold Social Security taxes, such as a government agency or an employer in another country, your Social Security benefits may be reduced. Visit SSA’s Publications Page and review A Pension from Work Not Covered by Social Security, Social Security Publication Number 05-10045 and Government Pension Offset, Social Security Publication Number 05-10007.

undefined Social Security Spouse's Insurance Benefits?

Visit the Apply For Social Security Benefits page to apply online.

Would you like more information about spouse's benefits?
Visit SSA's Publications Page and review Chapter 3 of the Social Security Handbook.

Would you like more information about Social Security credits?
Visit SSA's Publications Page and review "Social Security: How You Earn Credits," Social Security Publication Number 05-10072.

You may also contact Social Security by phone at:
1-800-772-1213 (TTY: 1-800-325-0778)