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Waiver of Insurance Premiums for Disabled Veterans

Some Veterans Affairs (VA) life insurance policyholders may have their premiums waived, if they become totally disabled.

Some Veterans Affairs (VA) life insurance policyholders may have their premiums waived, if they become totally disabled.

Many VA life insurance policies provide for a waiver of premiums if you become totally disabled. However, the following policies do not:

  • Supplemental Service-Disabled Veterans Insurance (SRH)
  • Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance (SGLI)
  • Family SGLI
  • Veterans' Group Life Insurance (VGLI)
  • Veterans' Mortgage Life Insurance (VMLI)

If your policy allows for a waiver, you must meet the following requirements:

  1. You must have a mental or physical disability that prevents you from substantial gainful employment.
  2. Your total disability must begin before your 65th birthday, and must continue for at least six consecutive months.

Your total disability may not begin prior to the effective date of the policy. There is one exception: A waiver may be granted if your total disability began prior to the effective date on a Service-Disabled Veterans Insurance policy. The total disability must be due to a service-connected disability.

For more information, go to Filing a Claim for Disability Insurance Benefits.

To complete an application, use VA Form 29-357, "Claim for Disability Insurance Benefits".

If you have any questions, visit the Ask VA (AVA) website to ask a question electronically.

To apply for VA benefits and services, view your benefit status, and many more services go to and either logon with your eBenefits sign on or use to enroll. is a one-stop source for information on Department of Defense and Department of Veterans Affairs benefits and services. Veterans, service members and their family members can conduct self-service transactions such as checking compensation and pension claim status information, enrolling in GI Bill, and obtaining copies of civil service preference letters, military records (DD214), and other personal information. For further information visit the website.