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Nutrition Assistance For Puerto Rico

undefined Nutrition Assistance For Puerto Rico?

Puerto Rico operates this program in place of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. Eligibility requirements and benefit amounts are determined by Puerto Rico. SNAP provides 80 percent of nutrition assistance benefits to the purchase of food in certified retailers and 20 percent in cash for the purchase of food in certified and non-certified retailers through the Commonwealth's electronic benefits transfer system.

Puerto Rico operates this program in place of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. Eligibility requirements and benefit amounts are determined by Puerto Rico. SNAP provides 80 percent of nutrition assistance benefits to the purchase of food in certified retailers and 20 percent in cash for the purchase of food in certified and non-certified retailers through the Commonwealth's electronic benefits transfer system.

undefined Nutrition Assistance For Puerto Rico?

In order to qualify for this benefit program, you must live in Puerto Rico and:

  • Have resources (savings accounts, bank accounts, etc) of up to $2,000; or
  • Have resources (savings accounts, bank accounts, etc) of up to $3,000 and be a part of a household with a person 60 or older or totally disabled

In order to qualify, you must have an annual household income (before taxes) that is below the following amounts:

Annual Household Income Limits (before taxes)
Household Size*Maximum Income Level (Per Year)

*For households with more than eight people, add $1,291 per additional person. Always check with the appropriate managing agency to ensure the most accurate guidelines.

Households in Puerto Rico must meet a net income limit that varies by the number of people in the household. Net income is calculated by taking the total amount of income from the household and subtracting deductions for type of income, type of household members, and certain allowable expenses.

undefined Nutrition Assistance For Puerto Rico?

To apply for this program, call 311 from within Puerto Rico or apply on line at

If you are having difficulties reaching the State office, please call the Ombudsman at 787-724-7373

For more information about this program, contact:
Department of the Family
P.O. Box 8000
Miramar, San Juan PR 00907

You may also call:
Puerto Rico Nutritional Assistance Program (NAP), 787-289-1199