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Dental Care

undefined Dental Care?

Outpatient dental treatment is available to eligible Veterans and may include the full spectrum of diagnostic, surgical, restorative, and preventive procedures. In many cases, however, the law permits only limited kinds of care. You are encouraged to also enroll in the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) health care system (or qualify based on one of the exceptions in the law). Go to "Medical Benefits Package" to see the program requirements.

Outpatient dental treatment is available to eligible Veterans and may include the full spectrum of diagnostic, surgical, restorative, and preventive procedures. In many cases, however, the law permits only limited kinds of care. You are encouraged to also enroll in the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) health care system (or qualify based on one of the exceptions in the law). Go to "Medical Benefits Package" to see the program requirements.

undefined Dental Care?

In order to be eligible for VA benefits and services, your discharge status must be a condition other than dishonorable unless an exception is made by a VA Regional Office.

VA Dental Care is categorized into classes. If you are in one of the following classes, you are eligible for any necessary dental care to maintain or restore oral health and masticatory function, including repeat care:

  • Service-connected Dental Disability (Class I)
  • Former prisoner of War (Class IIC)
  • Receive Service-connected Disability Compensation (Class IV)

Other classes may partially qualify with time or service limitations, such as families active in vocational rehabilitation training.

For details on eligibility, go to the Dental Benefits Eligibility requirements page.

undefined Dental Care?

To apply, download the 10-10EZ or 10-10EZR form or apply directly online.

You can also apply in person by visiting a VA Medical Center or clinic nearest you.

If you have questions:

  • Visit the AskVA website to search Frequently Asked Questions or ask a question online
  • Call 1-877-222-8387

To apply for VA benefits and services, view your benefit status, and many more services go to and either logon with your eBenefits sign on or use to enroll. is a one-stop source for information on Department of Defense and Department of Veterans Affairs benefits and services. Veterans, service members and their family members can conduct self-service transactions such as checking compensation and pension claim status information, enrolling in GI Bill, and obtaining copies of civil service preference letters, military records (DD214), and other personal information. For further information visit the website.