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Enero 3, 2017

Simple Steps Toward Preventing Cancer

Simple Steps Toward Preventing Cancer
Simple Steps Toward Preventing Cancer

February is Cancer Prevention Month, and there are numerous available resources provided by both Federal agencies and non-governmental organizations. In this article, you’ll learn about some steps you can take to prevent cancer, as suggested by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). You will also learn about the screening services that are provided by the Medicaid Program and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP).

Prevention Steps

The CDC produces a series of Web Features that include “prevention steps” for many different demographic groups. According to the CDC, these steps, focused on avoiding exposure to carcinogens and more, can reduce the likelihood of being diagnosed with cancer. Some of the most common CDC tips are:

  • Stop tobacco use and avoid secondhand smoke. More men and women in the U.S. die from lung cancer than any other kind of cancer, and cigarette smoking causes most cases.
  • Get recommended screening tests for breast, cervical, and colorectal cancer. Screening tests are the best way to find these cancers early, when they are easier to treat.
  • Protect your skin from the sun. Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the U.S. and can be easily prevented by applying sunscreen for both sunny and cloudy weather.
  • Stay active and keep a healthy weight. Adopting a lifestyle that includes healthy eating and regular physical activity can help lower your risk for several kinds of cancer.
  • Get vaccinated for HPV. The HPV vaccine is available for girls and women from 9 to 26 years old. Men can be vaccinated up until they are 21 years old. HPV infection can cause several types of cancer in both men and women.

Additional Resources

If you are interested in more specific types of advice based on your age, gender, or on a specific form of cancer, the CDC’s Web Features includes several short articles on a range of topics including men, women, children, and even tips for cancer survivors. You may also want to check out our article Find a Routine, Get Screened.

If you would like to learn more about cancer and cancer prevention, visit the CDC,, or the National Institute of Health. You can read more about how to apply for healthcare coverage through either Medicaid or CHIP on, and the Affordable Care Act (ACA) through

Take the Benefit Finder questionnaire to find other government benefits you may be eligible to receive.

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