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Social Security Parent's Insurance Benefits

undefined Social Security Parent's Insurance Benefits?

The Social Security Parent’s Insurance Benefits are federally funded and managed by the U.S. Social Security Administration (SSA). These are benefits paid to the dependent parent of a deceased worker who had earned enough Social Security credits.

The Social Security Parent’s Insurance Benefits are federally funded and managed by the U.S. Social Security Administration (SSA). These are benefits paid to the dependent parent of a deceased worker who had earned enough Social Security credits.

undefined Social Security Parent's Insurance Benefits?

To be eligible for this benefit program, you must meet all of the following requirements:

  • Be at least age 62.
  • Have not married after the deceased worker's death (unless an exception applies).
  • Received at least one-half of your support from the deceased worker at certain points in time.
  • You are the parent and would be eligible to share in the intestate personal property of the worker; or
  • You legally adopted the insured worker before he or she turned 16; or
  • You became the deceased's stepparent by a marriage entered into before the deceased turned 16.
  • Not be entitled to retirement insurance benefit equal to or exceeding the amount of the parent's original benefit.
  • Filed proof of support within the required time limits.

If you would like to find out if you are eligible for any of the benefits SSA administers, take SSA’s Benefit Eligibility Screening Tool.

Once you have completed the eligibility screening questionnaire, you will be provided with a list of benefits for which you may be eligible. Print this page for your records before going to the application site.

undefined Social Security Parent's Insurance Benefits?

You cannot apply online for survivor’s benefits. For application information, please visit the How To Apply page.

Visit SSA's Publications Page for detailed information about SSA programs and policies.

You may also contact Social Security by phone at:
1-800-772-1213 (TTY: 1-800-325-0778)